« Delais » in french means « Timeframes », not « Delayed ». I hope that the delivery of your new car won't be « delayed » ! This participatory website displays statistical data based on participant reports. Contact your dealership for official delivery times.

Volvo XC90 delivery times

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⏳ Volvo XC90 order, how long to wait in 2025 ?


Welcome to this page dedicated to Volvo XC90 delivery times. This page is for you ! Have you ordered this model ? Enter the information about your order below ! This way, you will contribute to sharing information about delivery times observed for this model 👍

Panel of 5 participants currently

Are you also waiting for your XC90 ?
Share your order !

Configurations in Volvo XC90

Discover the most common configurations, among the orders listed on this site by the participants
🆕 Only the configurations of the most recent orders are included to remain as close as possible to the current data..


The most common trim among the participants is the trim.


The most common engine among the participants is the engine.


The most common engine among the participants is the color.

Delivery time Volvo XC90The figures indicate that the most commonly tracked model is a Volvo XC90 .

You too, contribute to these statistics by sharing your Volvo XC90 order and adding your information !

👉 Join in ! You too can share your order

It's simple, no account to create, no password to remember. Besides, I hate spam, so apart from a short email every 15 days just to confirm the status of your order, you won't hear from me. Thank you for your participation ! 💡 Is there a proposal missing in the form (trim, engline, color) ? Notify me

Date of your order :

Expected delivery date at the time of order :
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Your email address :

Your comment :

Dealership based in

⚠️ Please verify your email address, a link will be sent to you

Have you placed an order for an Volvo XC90 ? Contribute to this website by sharing information about your order to help gather data that is as close to reality as possible regarding current delivery times for this model. Please note that orders for vehicles in stock are not relevant to us on this site.

New participants

19/01 : ppp for its XC90  United Kingdom ordered 12 months ago
11/05 : Bybyrugby for its XC90  France  delivered in 20 months 😃 
12/04 : XC90 for its XC90  France  delivered in 9 months 😃 
05/04 : MBA for its XC90  France  delivered in 9 months 😃 
18/02 : ParadiseLost... for its XC90  Belgium  delivered in 14 months 😃 

Latest updates

03/12 : XC90 for its XC90  France  delivered in 9 months 😃 
19/09 : 📷 MBA for its XC90  France  delivered in 9 months 😃 
22/05 : 📷 ParadiseLost... for its XC90  Belgium  delivered in 14 months 😃 
11/05 : Bybyrugby for its XC90  France  delivered in 20 months 😃 

💬 Le Chat Volvo XC90

Last messages posted on the English Chat :
No message posted on the Volvo XC90 Chat yet.

The entire Chat is only visible after you have logged in to your personal account. To have a personal account, you need to participate in the follow-up by adding information about your order.

Are you already participating but have lost your personal link ? You can retrieve it ➡️ on this page.

📰 Lastest news

I offer you a selection of the latest articles published on Volvo XC90 here :

📷 Latest XC90 photographed

Volvo XC90 Bleu Denim Ultimate of MBA
XC90 Ultimate
T8 455ch AWD Plug-In
Bleu Denim of MBA  France
Delivered in 9 months
0 💬
Volvo XC90 Bleu Denim Ultimate of ParadiseLost2013
XC90 Ultimate
T8 455ch AWD Plug-In
Bleu Denim of ParadiseLost2013  Belgium
Delivered in 14 months
0 💬

📝 Details of the delivery times provided by participants

Delivery times Volvo XC90

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The comments are visible to participants after logging into their personal space. To have a personal space, you must participate in the follow-up by adding information about your own order by visiting this link. If you are already participating but have lost your personal link, you can retrieve it by visiting this page..

Model Engine Ordered on Delivered on
██ XC90 Ultimate
de XC90
Plug-In Hybrid
T8 455ch AWD Plug-In
7 months announced
+2 = 9 months observed

Table legend

Each row corresponds to a participant, find : :
- on a white background, the vehicles that have not been delivered yet
- on  green background  delivered cars
- on  red background  canceled orders
- on  yellow backgroubd  the comments left by the participants

A delivered vehicle ✔️, or an undelivered vehicle whose scheduled delivery date has not yet passed at the time of recording✔️ , or an undelivered vehicle whose scheduled delivery date has passed, but the information has been updated and confirmed within the past 2 months, is considered a reliable record.

The comments are visible to participants after logging into their personal space. To have a personal space, you must participate in the follow-up by adding information about your own order by visiting this link. If you are already participating but have lost your personal link, you can retrieve it by visiting this page..

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Contact-me !

Is there missing information ? Did you notice a bug or an error ? Thank you ! 👍