
Peugeot 3008


Obsession Blue
We ordered our car on mobility on the 15 June 24. \r\nIt’s a e3008 GT in obsession blue with the 360 pack. \r\nWe did this through Marshall in Canterbury. \r\nWe just had a email from them to say now the estimated build date has now gone to 03/01/25\r\nI’ve never known it to take so long. Must be a problem with Marshall car dealership group.
📅 Steve59's Order History
21/10/2024 :
We are still waiting for a confirmed date. At the moment we have an estimate Build date of 03/01/25. Then you can add another 3 to 4 weeks for delivery. So it roughly 8 months. Why it’s taking this long I have no idea.
10/11/2024 :
Still no change. Should receive new update on the car soon. 5 months have passed since ordering.
23/11/2024 :
We had a phone call on Friday 22nd November from the dealership to say they have the car. So we are picking it up next Saturday 30th November
30/12/2024 :
We finally picked up the car.
Far more better than I remember from the test drive. Definitely worth the weight.
06/01/2025 :
It’s a lovely car to drive. So cheap to run. It’s works out about 2p a mile far better than expected.
Only issue I have with it is the automatic handbrake. It keeps coming up with a fault. Wich is sorted by turning on and off the car a couple of times. That seems to work. Apart from that I highly recommend it.
Happy New Year you you all
💬 Comments
From François de Delais.fr
On : 30/11/2024
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Initial delivery period of 5 months
Steve59 had opted for the Peugeot 3008 on 15/06/2024. When purchasing, he was initially given a delivery date of 16/11/2024, equating to a five months delivery period.
A delivery delayed by 1 month
In Steve59's case, his Peugeot 3008 was delivered with a slight one month delay, on 30/11/2024. Although rare, this delay remained within a reasonable timeframe. Peugeot still managed well.
In fact, Steve59 waited 6 months
Steve59 ordered their Peugeot 3008 in United Kingdom on 15/06/2024. At the time of their order, the initially announced delivery date was 16/11/2024, which was an initial delivery time of 5 months. In the end, Steve59 took possession of the vehicle on 30/11/2024, which resulted in a waiting time of 6 months.
See the other Peugeot 3008 deliveries
on 29/11/2024
on 27/12/2024